Understanding Map From XML

Hello! This is a website designed to display locations on a map, and to filter these locations by type. It should be relatively simple to operate for anyone familiar with Google Maps, but here's a little help if you need it.

If you'll observe the screenshot above, you'll see that there are three main controls on this page.

The Map
The map is the main feature of this page. It contains markers, which may be clicked to display info. It can be dragged by clicking on its surface with the left mouse button, or zoomed in and out through use of the mouse wheel.

The Control Panel
To the immediate right of the map, you will see a list of types, beginning with 'All'. Clicking any of these will make the map show only that type of location. For example, clicking 'Business' will cause the map to display only those locations that are businesses.

The Recentering Control Panel
Underneath the map, you will see a list of all the locations available on the map.Click on any of these with the left mouse button to recenter the map over that location.